Prof. Gil Levkowitz
Gil Levkowitz received his BSc. and MSc. from Tel Aviv University in Israel. He conducted his Ph.D. research in Prof. Yosef Yarden’s laboratory at the Weizmann Institute of Science focusing on epidermal growth factor receptor signaling. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Arnon Rosenthal’s laboratory at Genentech Inc., (South San Francisco, USA) where he studied the embryonic development of the dopamine- secreting neuronal cell type, which is associated with Parkinson’s disease as well as other neurological disorders. He was then a project team leader at Rinat-Neuroscience Corp. in Palo Alto. USA (now Rinat-Pfizer Inc.), conducting research and pre-clinical development of drugs for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Since returning to Israel he has been a Senior Scientist and then a Professor at the Weizmann Institute. His lab is using zebrafish to study genetic pathways controlling hypothalamic neuronal circuits that have been associated with neurological conditions such as depression, chronic stress, autism and obesity.